Future Plans - Projects



Future Plans - Projects

Future Plans & Projects

Our Priorities Are :

Provision of shelter for divorced women and their children, the motherless children and the silent sufferer.

Humane rights for divorced women and their children, and the motherless children

Economic and financial empowerment.

To provide opportunities for education for those who lack school fees. Knowledge is power.

To impart life values irrespective of life circumstances .

To impart family values and unite.

To impart proper religious values by trusting in the Living God.

The Creation and networking of job opportunities.

The establishment and creation of a funding kit to aide in the facilitation of projects or businesses.

To establish research centres

Setup maternal health and baby care centres.

In light of the above priorities, we want to undertake the following:

    We want to set up housing projects where families can settle in. This will be decent and affordable housing. We intend to procure land and build homes. I realised the money one spends in paying rent can make one own their own house. I was once a tenant so I know the difficulties.

    During the Corona pandemic, a number of employed people lost their jobs, at the same time those who were jobless remained jobless. Imagine, if all that is happening to a person, and they still have to pay rent? I am sure life was not and will not be easy for them. Definitely, those who had their own homes had peace of mind. That is why it is important to own your own home.


    We want to start projects aimed and driven towards making families economically and financially empowered. This will enable them to meet their basic needs as well as to grow and live their dreams.

    No one will feed another’s family forever. Beggary life is shameful! We want them to take this opportunity seriously and say “NO” to poverty. Let us and them look at God our Maker, and work hard to be financially and economically stable.


    Through proper forums and networks we can adequately train and equip families to deal with the issues of life: spiritual (by trusting in the Living God), economically and family relations. We want to impart their right values and guidance in an individual so that they can live a productive, fruitful and wholelistic life for both them and their families.Through this networking forum members can meet other persons who are willing to guide them and mentor them.


    The gap between poverty and wealth, is an idea. There are many challenges facing society today, that need solutions. Even in the Holy Bible, kings and queens of nations then, travelled all the way to Jerusalem to seek wisdom and solutions from King Solomon. Consequently, they left him with riches and gifts as a token of appreciation for the wisdom and solutions he shared with them.

    In the same way our organisation wants to set up and fully equip research centres in different towns and cities across the global. Many persons have brilliant ideas, but lack the proper facilities where they can carry out their research, and later on implement them. We intend to also aide in the execution and implementation of the research works conducted within our organisation. The proceeds from those works will be used to empower those under the program. In addition some of the proceeds will be used to expand the research and resource works and support other persons with ideas.


    Health is a very important fact in order for a person to be productive. Failure of access to proper well equipped health centres will lead to many not being able to work. Furthermore, many mothers lose their lives and those of their babies due to poorly equipped maternal and nursery wards.

    Some mothers raise their babies without the knowledge of proper motherhood skills. We intend to procure and donate equip to various facilities as well as help individuals passionate about health care of mothers and their babies to set up centres.


We empower and transform financially underprivileged single mothers and orphans into self-reliant individuals. Single mothers are known to raise their children single-handedly either through street borrowing or through meager incomes from casual jobs

Get In Touch


P.O. Box: 437-00502 , Karengata Park, Karen, Nairobi, Kenya




+254 110 089 740 | +254 721 325 541


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